How to avoid under counter chiller repairs?

Publish Time: 2021-03-08     Origin: Site

Buying the right under-counter freezer is not easy, and people usually spend days, weeks or even months saving and shopping. Therefore, when the underfloor freezer fails, it will make people very hesitant whether they should take the equipment for repair or buy a freezer of the heart. What should I do to avoid the underfloor freezer being often sent for repair?


  • Signs of failure of under counter chiller

  • Factors to consider when choosing to repair or replace a damaged under counter chiller

  • Useful tips for maintaining an under counter chiller


Signs of failure of under counter chiller

overheat. It may be counterintuitive to think that an under counter chiller designed to keep food and drinks cool will overheat. However, because most under counter chillers operate on electric motors, the motors can overheat. Although the back of the freezer under the counter feels some heat is perfectly normal, it should not be so hot that you must quickly pull it away to prevent burns. Feeling too much heat from the under counter chiller is a clear indication that something is wrong with the under counter chiller or refrigeration thermometer. Because the coils on the back of the under counter chiller are insulated, it prevents you from feeling too much heat. However, if you do find that the under counter chiller is heating up, you should contact your service technician as soon as possible to check the coils. The service technician can tell you one of two things: (1) the problem is not too serious, you can easily fix it by replacing the coil, or (2) the underfloor freezer is still on the last leg, simply replace it Might be a better investment. To prevent this from happening, make sure to de-dust the condenser of the under counter chiller at least once a month.


Freezer freeze. On the other hand, your under counter chiller is running too cold. Of course, the whole purpose of the freezer is to keep the food that should be frozen frozen. However, you don't have to pick ice from the food before cooking. If your under counter chiller starts to look like an iceberg, then you have a problem with your hands. Before calling a technician, we recommend that you try to solve the problem yourself. Try to defrost the underfloor freezer by unplugging it from the power supply. After you reinsert it, pay attention to the under counter chiller and monitor what happens. This should resolve the issue. However, if you still experience problems after defrosting, you may need to call a technician specializing in equipment repair or consider buying a new under counter chiller. This problem is more common in older under counter chillers, as they do not have an automatic defrost mechanism like new equipment. So, in the long run, trying and buying a new under counter chiller or freezer will save you a lot of time, money and maintenance costs.


Your food has gone bad. Don't refuse to waste more money because you waste energy, because you refuse to buy a new under counter chiller! If you start to notice that fruits, vegetables and meat start to smell faster or spoil, this is a very obvious sign that it may be time to buy a new under counter chiller. Not only will this destroy your food, it will also waste a lot of energy. An under counter chiller that takes a long time to cool food or cannot maintain a temperature setting wastes a lot of energy. The inability to maintain temperature settings is one of the earliest signs that the under counter chiller is about to be phased out.


You can hear the sound of the freezer under the stage. The under-counter freezer is not the quietest appliance. Most under-counter freezers do make a slight buzz, which is perfectly normal. However, if you hear the under-counter freezer running and not near the kitchen, it's best to hire a service technician and determine what might be the problem. Before you call a technician, you can try to solve this problem yourself by unplugging the power cord of the under counter chiller and then plugging it in again. If the constant buzzing persists after trying this operation, contact your service technician and eventually quiet yourself.


Extreme condensation. This is a common problem for under counter chillers that are not properly cooled. If you touch the outside of the underfloor freezer and sweat, you should first analyze the rubber seals around the door. The seal prevents cold air from coming out, while hot air cannot enter. If you find traces of water droplets, mold or mildew, you should call a technician or buy the necessary replacement parts. The new seal will help keep cold air in and prevent hot air from entering. You can also look for signs of condensation in the under counter chiller. If you notice that your freezer is sweating, it may mean that your temperature setting is outside the normal range. It is important to address this problem immediately because it can cause food spoilage.


Factors to consider when choosing to repair or replace a damaged under counter chiller

Under the freezer era. Although the service life will vary depending on the type of under counter chiller, consumers can usually count on their under counter chiller to last about 13 years. Some under-counter freezers, including the increasingly rare single-door under-counter freezers, typically last for twenty years. However, ordinary under counter chillers, such as the top of a freezer and an under counter chiller side-by-side, usually last about 14-17 years. Other factors (such as maintenance and structure) may also affect the life expectancy of the under counter chiller. There are steps you can take to extend the life of your under counter chiller. This includes keeping equipment away from direct sunlight and away from heat-generating equipment such as microwave ovens and dryers. It is also important to ensure that the coils on the back of the under counter chiller are a few inches from the wall to prevent damage to the insulation. You should also make sure to clean the coils, door seals and drip tanks at least once a month. This will prevent the gasket from drying out and cracking. If you are still unsure whether to replace or repair an under counter chiller, keep in mind that a good rule of thumb is that the longer an under counter chiller is used, the greater the potential repair costs. If your under counter chiller has been in use for more than a decade, then continuing to repair it may be more expensive than buying a new under counter chiller.


energy efficiency. If your under-counter freezer was produced before 1992, you could end up with extremely high electricity bills. ENERGY STAR began rating under-counter freezers in 1992 to identify and promote energy-efficient products and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. According to ENERGY STAR, an under counter chiller that has been used for ten years consumes twice as much energy as an ENERGY STAR rated under counter chiller. This not only wastes power and increases utility bills, it is also terrible for the environment. Therefore, if your under-counter freezer has been in use for more than a decade, you may want to consider purchasing an ENERGY STAR-rated under-counter freezer. After the first month of installation, you will see the results in your electricity bill. We understand that the idea of buying a new energy-efficient under-counter freezer is a huge investment. However, the benefits will outweigh the costs almost immediately.


The extent of the damage. We have solved the various types of problems that may occur under the freezer earlier, but we have not done too much about the extent of the damage. This is because it varies from case to case. However, no matter what the problem is, you should always consult the under-counter freezer service technician for any damage before choosing to invest in new equipment. However, as a good rule of thumb, if you have multiple faulty parts, or your under counter chiller has been in use for more than a decade, it may be time to replace it. Consumer reports suggest that if the cost of repairing an under counter chiller is more than half the cost of buying a new under counter chiller, the under counter chiller should be replaced.


Useful tips for maintaining an under counter chiller

1.       Check the door seal. Loose seals can infiltrate cold air, waste energy, and make the underfloor freezer work harder than needed. First make sure that the gasket is free of food residue. (Clean them about twice a year with a toothbrush and a solution of baking soda and water.) Then try the dollar bill test: Close the banknotes on the door so that half goes in and half out. If it slides out easily, a professional may need to check the door seal.

2.       Keep the coils clean. When the condenser coil (for more information on parts, see next page) is covered by dust, the under counter chiller will not operate efficiently. Twice a year, pull the machine out of the wall to expose the coils at the rear (if the coil is on the front of the bottom, lift it off the grille), unplug the power to the under counter chiller and brush it with a brush Vacuuming.

3.       Set the correct temperature. Keep the underfloor freezer between 37 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit and the underfloor freezer between 0 degrees.

4.       Fill it up (even if you never cook, you can only take it out). under-counter freezers need "thermal mass" (that is, many things) to maintain low temperatures. Cool food and drinks help absorb hot air that flows in when you open the door. If you're dining out, or the under counter chiller is too big to fit your needs, store a few pots of water in it.

5.       be ready. If the power is off, keep the door closed and use the food in the pantry. An unopened under counter chiller will ensure food safety for four hours; if full, the under counter chiller will maintain its temperature for 48 hours and 24 hours if full.


There are many factors to consider when deciding whether to repair or replace the freezer, but if you usually pay attention to the care and maintenance of the under counter chiller, it will reduce the chance of the under counter chiller malfunctioning.If you want to buy high-quality under counter freezer with reasonable price, Meibaijia Electrical Technology Company can provide you with the best products.


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